The fourth of July 2022 evokes mixed feelings because the country is celebrating a birthday while different segments of society are living in fear as their rights are eroded on a daily basis. Can the day be a happy one? For some people, sure. The erosion of voting rights for Black citizens, roll back of Roe Vs Wade which, in the past, respected the right of women to determine their reproductive health, the Covid-19 pandemic, escalating crime, police brutality and the high cost of living all conspire to wreak havoc on families.

For those who choose to celebrate this holiday, reflect on what independence truly means. Then ask yourself this: Are you comfortable celebrating America’s independence when a large swath of citizens are deprived of their right to exist, speak freely, learn about their history, vote, take a walk or a drive or go jogging without being harassed, racially profiled, and routinely killed by white supremacist law enforcement personnel who hide behind the phrase “I was in fear for my life.”

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Carmen Glover

Journalist, Media Consultant and Educator

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