I am excited to tell you all about a compelling story, “Portia Dreams.” The children’s book is beautifully illustrated and takes us through the childhood experiences of Jamaica’s only female Prime Minister, to date, Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller (PSM), affectionately called Mama P,  Sister P and Auntie P.
“Portia Dreams” is an engaging story about the power of our dreams and ambitions. It details the importance of showing unconditional love to our children, believing in them, supporting them, listening to them and encouraging them to dream.
To purchase copies for your household, school, church and community, contact Andrea Georgia Manning, who has been a true, uncompromising advocate for our beloved PSM, and who is spearheading this initiative. Read the story with the children in your home and community. Help them to dream, and turn those dreams into reality, like Portia did. All funds raised go to the Portia Simpson-Miller Foundation to provide scholarships to Jamaican students.-PM
#PortiaDreams #PortiaSimpsonMiller #womenshistorymonth2022 #childsmonth #readacrossJamaica
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Carmen Glover

Journalist, Media Consultant and Educator


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